Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Year in Review

Yayyyyy, it's the end of 2011 and we're rolling into the apocalyptic 2012 with a roundhouse kick to the Mayan calendar's throat.

The beautiful year of 2011 was beautiful. Beautifully, we first unveiled our brewery name and logo to the masses via Facebook in spring. Since then we've been brewing non-stop for loyal followers, tasting events, and providing custom beers to catered parties. It was fun and exhausting (bottling Falcor White at 2:45am isn't that fun). Come...let's take a look at some HIGHLIGHTS!!!

  • Debuted 1982, Violet Beauregard, Lost Woods, Lion-O, Cake Eater, Falcor White, The Shire, and The Christmas Beer.
    • Dude, that's a lot of beer styles! We've spent 7.9e12 hours consistently trying to perfect a recipe before introducing it to the public. As hard as it is to keep adjusting a recipe, it's worth it.
  • Provided beer for a NASA Jet Propulsion Lab party and the notorious San Martin Christmas Crush.
    • The Jet Propulsion party had us make 3 custom beers based on the three successful field tests for the Mars Science Laboratory - an amber, an IPA, and a stout.
    • We debuted the Christmas beer at the Christmas Crush and due to its popularity, we inducted it into our seasonal brew lineup. 
  • Began kegging our beers for specific events.
  • Held a sample tasting event at Disney Animation Studios.
    • We brought cases of 1982, Violet Beauregard, Falcor White, Lion-O, Lost Woods, and The Shire for tastings and left without a single bottle.
  • Brought on another crazy brewer to the team, Lance Summers.
  • Invented time travel.
Yeah, so, it's been a great year for us. 2012 should be epically more epic. If all goes well, we'll be purchasing the brewery facility later next year. Neat, right? 

Our next big event is the annual 8-Bit Tournament on February 25th, where we will be doing sample tastings of many of our beers. Be there or suck.

Cheers everyone and happy New Year!

The Neverending Beer Factory

Oh, and one more thing...congratulate those brewers, Brandon and Joey, on the launch of their spacecraft, Mars Science Laboratory, which lands on the red planet on August 6th, 2012.

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